Chef Jason Invited to Partake in World Read Aloud Day to Primary Students
Chef Jason together with other prominent celebrities including Musician Kes Dieffenthaller , Prime Minister of T&T Keith Rowley, Chutney Soca Monarch Rikki Jai, High Cout Judges and more all banded together and visited Primary Schools across Trinidad & Tobago and read stories to Students.
The Excercise was initiated by Hodder Education inconjuction with The Ministry of Education and each celebrity hosted a reading session at an assigned school where they urged the students to read more and stressed on the importance of vocabulary and communication. Each special guest / host chose a story and read to the assembly of students and then quizzed them with prizes awarded for correct answers at the end. Chef Jason visited the Pleasantville Government Primary School in South Trinidad.
Chef Jason Sits and Reads to the Assembly
Chef Jason Quizing Students to Win Prizes
Chef Jason Reads
Chef Jason with Ministry of Education Officials & Hodder Education Reps